
EU project

Project: Implementation of the results – launching books with increased openness and strength.

Aim: The aim of the project is to increase the competitiveness and innovativeness of TZG "Zapolex" Sp. z o. o.  through book production with increased openness and strength.

Total value of the project: 13 388 000,00 zł

The amount of co-funding from the European Union: 6 000 000,00 zł

Technology of books with increased openness and strength.


The applicant will carry out the project in its current headquarter. The scope of current activity will not change. The applicant will implement the technology developed on its own R & D results, which will be the basis for the creation of an innovative technological line. As a part of the project implementation, two consultancy services will be purchased – "Implementation of the automatic quality control system in book production (manufacturing)”, "Developing book quality assessment criteria for automatic book quality control" and one intangible asset - "Software for automated book quality control (Automatic quality measurement)".

As a part of the project implementation, it is planned to purchase fixed assets - "Production line for soft binding" and equipment’s to check the automatic visual quality of book production (sensors, controllers). The project will be implemented until 1.02.2016 to 31.07.2017 - it will last for a 15 months. The duration of the project is conditioned to the necessity of waiting for a production line that will be modified for the Applicant.


As part of the project implementation, Applicant will purchase fixed assets, intangible assets and advisory services. The project will be divided into two tasks. 

Task 1. Purchase and assembly of a technological line for the production of books with high openability and strength. Within this task, the order is planned (after the supplier has been selected), the purchase of elements of the production line in the configuration prepared by the Applicant and its assembly at Applicant’s headquarter. Within the scope of the task will be performed necessary assembly work - water and air connections.

Task 2. Production optimization by developing and implementing an application system based on monitoring of key parameters for the book binding process includes the purchase of two consultancy services (implementation of the automatic quality control system in book production (existing and installed); development of book quality assessment criteria for automatic quality control, purchase of intangible assets (software for automatic book quality control system) and purchase of fixed assets (sensors and controllers for the automatic book quality control system).

As a result of this project, the Applicant will implement a significantly improved product with unprecedented characteristics (compared to previously produced), not available on the Polish and Europe market.


The main objective of the project is to increase the competitiveness and innovativeness of TZG "Zapolex" Sp. z o.o. on domestic and European markets by introducing significant innovations  - books of increased strength and openness with parameters that is not yet present in Poland.

The implementation of the project will increase the product offer, that is allow Applicant to gain competitive advantage - increase the importance of innovation in the Applicant's business.

As a part of the project implementation,  the commercialization of research results will be made and the used knowledge will be applied in economic practice, contributing to the extension of the Applicant's offer and respond to the needs and expectations of customers. Investment realize POIR thematic objectives 3 Reinforcement the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises.

The project fits into the specific objectives of the POIR 3 - increased R & D activity of enterprises, increased investment activity of enterprises, increased level of internationalization business activity.

The project is in line with the objectives of 3.2 measure - refers the implementation of R & D results in the company and leads to launch a new product – and sub-measure 3.2.2., because it deals implementation of technological innovation in the form of the Applicant's production process.

It enables the production of the improved product in comparison to products made in Poland so far - book with increased openness and strength.


The project consists of implementing a new technology - which is the final aim of the project. The implementation of new technology will involve the purchase and launch of a soft binding production line. Modifications of the line will be necessary (creating an electrical and air connections).

The modification will be launched by the equipment supplier to adapt it to the requirements of Two-Shot glue application. It will consist of installing two binder modules - first one suited to the requirements of glue dispersion, second (connected to the glue melter) will apply hotmelt glue.

Between this modules we will install the heating device which will dry the dispersion glue so joint will be permanent before the second glue will appear.

The research problem and the process were examined in the R & D Applicant’s works - were purchased together with the property rights, prior to the implementation of the project.

The Applicant will also implement an advanced IT system (including sensors, wiring), which will allow monitoring parameters production, optimization of the production process. This solution  will allow Applicant to be a modern partner, applying the highest standards in the world.

The ability to make complex glue binding (instead of sewn binding) open market for a new product that have not yet been offered due to the lack of effective methods of making them. As a part of the project implementation, the Applicant will implement a significantly improved product (on a specially modified machine) and will apply advanced IT solutions - which will a signal to other printings that they should interested in further optimization and greenize production.

This will have a positive impact on the industry that is looking for new, improved products and does not want to incur increased costs. The ability to make books of increased openness and strength will also open the market for a new group of prestigious books (occasional publications, albums), but also popular (manuals, guides etc.) by optimizing production costs.


The new product will be created, significantly improved in relation to the existing on the Polish market - a book of unprecedented strength and openness produced by the use of special bonding with different types of glues. The Applicant will implement  product (that will be offer to domestic and international markets) and Eco innovation - lower wastes.  It is planned to create three new posts, which will allow an effectively promoting new products and gaining new markets.